Why subscribe?

From an early age, suits were one of my obsessions and as i grew older, i discovered the broader term “ Classic Menswear”.

Here we explore that term, it’s history and it’s merits. It’s all about quality Menswear and a gentlemanly Lifestyle.

On this blog I will write about Quality, why it’s important and how you can spot it on different articles of clothing.

Later down the road, I hope to be able to travel across Europe and talk to different Tailor, Shoemakers and Artisan and hopefully provide some insight on their individual Style and their differences from one another.

This is not a blog where I tell you what to wear or what is “in” next season. It is all about classic and timeless Menswear.

So join me and we will learn all about it as a Community.

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Newsletter about classical men‘s Style, Artisanship and quality goods.